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Mango plant or Mangifera indica


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The Mangifera indica, or mango plant, is a plant from which the fruit known as Mango can be extracted. Evergreen tree, which can reach 40 meters in height if it grows under the right conditions. It has a foliage composed of leaves that range from 15 to 30 cm. long, orange-pink in its youth and dark green when ripe. Its fruit can be red, orange or yellow during maturity.


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Characteristics Mangifera indica

  • Liters : 3
  • Height : 111 H
  • Container : BAG
  • Weight : 11-15 kg
  • Watering: once every two days in summer, in winter once every two weeks.
  • Soil : deep, well drained and does not need to have a large amount of Organic Matter.
  • Temperature : not less than 10 ° in winter or 15 ° in spring.

Fruit plant with few requirements .

To pay it, you can use compost or fish emulsion every two months, between winter and summer.

Mangifera indica care:

  • It is necessary to prune its branches if the crown of the tree becomes very leafy.
  • Its main pests are moths , fruit flies, and flower moths .
  • Its most common diseases are anthracnose , mango dry and mango cercospore .

Comments (4)

| 01/09/2024 | Verified purchase
Mango plant, mangifera indica

Contente de mon achat fruitier greffé qui a pris un bon bain en arrivant et que j'ai remporté le soir même. Les feuilles sont très odorantes et à de belles racines. Je lui ai donné un peu de sucre pour le booster.

| 30/08/2024 | Verified purchase
Mango plant, mangifera indica

Bien reçu mon manguier greffé Irving! Je lui souhaite la bienvenue et je n'ai pas attendu pour lui donner un bon bain pour ses racines avant de l'installer tranquille! Presque aussi grand que moi!.... Les feuilles sont très odorantes!

| 13/07/2024 | Verified purchase
Mango plant, mangifera indica

Bel arbre ! Je ne le pensais pas si grand, mais quelques jours après la livraison et après l’avoir mis dans un grand pot, il a commencé à être malade, ses feuilles ont bruni et tombent l’une après l’autre… j’espère qu’il va s’en remettre

| 29/11/2023 | Verified purchase
Mango plant, mangifera indica

Bonjour, la plante est très belle. J ai eu un peu peur en voyant l emballage qui avait été un peu malmené mais rien à dire.Nickel!Merci.

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Questions (1)


Olá no tardes gostaria de saber qual a variedade dar manga obrigado

Store response | 14/06/2021

Bom Dia, É Mangifera indica. Uma saudação

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