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White Clover Huia

Brand: Zulueta

Offer From £16.63


Trebol Blanco Huia, a very invasive creeping species, does not reach a height greater than 10cm. Adaptation to all types of soils and climates. Fixes nitrogen in the soil with a lower consumption of fertilizers. Good resistance to lack of water and high temperatures. Adaptable to moderate shade conditions. Forms a mechanically resistant framework. Use in combination with other species, for the formation of sustainable lawns , specifically Lolium perenne (ray-grass), poa pratense or festucas. White Clover for all types of climates and low maintenance. Improved dwarf variety of white clover with a highly upholstered character and a low habit: the MICROCLOVER. This variety has been a true revolution in sustainable lawns, since its use has great qualities: Lower consumption of fertilizers Less frequency of mowing High resistance to transit Superb ornamental quality.

Stock and delivery
Trebol Blanco Huia 5kilos for 150m2
Available stock
£83.21 £91.72
Free shipping
White Clover Huia 10kgs
Available stock
£166.36 £182.11
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White Clover Huia 1kg
In stock. Immediate shipment.
£16.63 £19.46
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More information
Huia white clover

  • It grows all year round, however its highest forage productions are located in late spring and early summer.
  • Optimum temperature: 20-25ºC. Above 30ºC the plant blooms constantly and produces very little
  • 20gr / m2 dose.
  • Composition: 100% Dwarf Clover Huia

White Clover Huia: Trebol Blanco Huia 5kilos for 150m2

5 kg container for approx. 150 m2. White clover forms a very decorative and resistant grass in combination with other varieties such as fescue and ray-grass

White Clover Huia: White Clover Huia 10kgs

10 kg container. White clover forms a very decorative and resistant grass in combination with other varieties such as fescue and ray-grass

White Clover Huia: White Clover Huia 1kg

1 kg container for approx. 30 m2. White clover forms a very decorative and resistant grass in combination with other varieties such as fescue and ray-grass

Comments (14)

| 07/09/2024 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Ha llegado bien ahora a esperar que termine...

| 29/05/2024 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Perfecto y muy buena germinación

| 14/06/2023 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Perfecto como siempre

| 12/06/2023 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Coincide con lo pedido.Sí lo recomendaría a cualquier allegado.De hecho un paquete es para mí y el otro para una compañera.

| 01/06/2023 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Très bien ! Article conforme et livraison rapide :)

See all comments
| 13/03/2022 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Buena calidad y germinacion perfecta

| 11/07/2021 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Perfecto, como siempre

| 02/06/2021 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia


| 13/05/2021 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Byen producto y facil germinacion

| 23/04/2021 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Bonne qualité germinative (- de 10 jours), Colis en bon état et très pratique les 2 sachets dans la boite.

| 11/03/2021 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Muy buen producto, estoy encantado.

| 21/09/2020 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Bonne réception du colis........ PROBLEME ; le mode d'emploi n'est pas en Français !!! Pouvez vous m'envoyer le mode d'emploi en français ??? A l'avance Merci-- JDV--Bien Sûre! Bientôt disponible dans votre email.

| 13/05/2020 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Me llegó cesped

| 08/05/2020 | Verified purchase
White Clover Huia

Compra perfecta y envío muy rapido. En 3 dias ya han empezado a brotar las semillas

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Buenas, os contacto para pedir informacion sobre el Trenol blanco Huia que teneis en la web. Queremos plantarlo en la Cerdanya, provincia de Catalunya. No sabemos exatamente en que momento hechar las semillas, ya que tenemos miedo de una helada tardia. Tambien queriamos saber si para ese clima nos volvera a salir el trebol el año siguiente. En invierno me imagino que la planta se seca no? En cuanto a riego... en verano requiere mucha agua. En sitios he leido que es una planta que aguanta el estres hidrico y en otros sitios que es una planta con requerimientos de agua elevados. Muchisimas gracias por su atencion.

Store response | 16/03/2023

La verdad es que el trébol sí que tiene los requerimientos de agua de riego similares a los de un césped normal. En invierno pardea y puede llegar a secarse en el Pirineo, pero como se multiplica por rizomas (tallos subterráneos) rebrota al subir las temperaturas en primavera.

Para germinar necesita calor. La siembra como tal especie pura, dependiendo de la climatología del año, se puede hacer a partir de final de abril o primeros de mayo.

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