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Strelitzia is a herbaceous perennial, so exotic that it becomes the focal point of the garden.




Strelitzia is a herbaceous perennial, so exotic that it becomes the focal point of the garden. The most spectacular are its flowers, reminiscent of exotic birds.

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Strelitzia Augusta 150/180 H
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Strelitzia augusta

Presentation: Liters: 4 Height: 80/100 H Container: 20 Cm

Scientific name: Strelitzia augusta

Popular names: Bird of paradise, strelitzia, strelitzia alba.

Family: Strelitziaceae

Origin: South America

Characteristics: Perennial plant, lanceolate leaves of slightly glaucous color and arranged in the shape of a fan.

Flowers: White from somewhat purple spathe, reminiscent of exotic birds.

Flowering: In spring.

Adult plant size: It can reach up to 10 m in height.

Lighting: Exposure to full sun.

Temperature: They are plants of warm climates, although they support temperatures of a few degrees below zero, in short periods.

Soil: Fertile and well drained.

Irrigation: It is not too demanding with watering.

Subscriber: Every month if it is grown in a container, a universal liquid fertilizer is enough.

Maintenance pruning: Remove dry, damaged leaves and wilted flowers as they can cause rot.

Diseases: The bird of paradise can rot if it is watered excessively, this is due mainly to fungi of the genus fusarium. The specimens grown in pots can be attacked by mealybugs, which are eliminated with an insecticide.

Comments (1)

| 27/06/2021 | Verified purchase
Strelitzia augusta

Excelente compra. Calidad del producto perfecta, llego en el tiempo indicado y en inmejorable estado. La planta es preciosa y esta encantada de estar en mi terraza.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (4)


Hola, cuantas plantas incluye la maceta? Estoy buscando que tenga tres plantas. Muchas gracias

Store response | 08/09/2022

un bulbo, una planta.


Que altura tiene ?

Store response | 05/08/2022

Estimada cliente,

la altura aproximada es de 80/100cm 

Un saludo


Esta planta es para interior? Gracias

Store response | 15/04/2021

Buenos dias, Depende de donde viva usted, En las zonas mas templadas de España, puede vivir en el exterior, pero evitando mucha incidencia solar, y evitando las heladas. Un saludo

See all questions

Por favor la altura 90/100 H a que se refiere? Pulgadas, cm?

Store response | 17/02/2021


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