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Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta

Brand: Zulueta

From £8.36


The CLASSIC seed mix provides the most classic Ray-Grass based ornamental grass. With a fine texture and high density, it is very pleasant to the touch. Available in Tepe. Due to its high content in English ray grass, it provides a quick installation between 5-7 days for seed germination. Festuca rubra provides fineness of the leaf, decorative quality and texture pleasant to the touch. Poa pratense, with its powerful network of rhizomes, provides resistance to moderate trampling and the formation of a dense and thick cover at the base. Features: High quality ornamental grass. Pleasant to the eye and fine to the touch. Intense green throughout the year with good winter behavior. Easy to maintain. Supports moderately heavy use. Adapted to continental and oceanic climates.

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Ornamental grass 10kgs
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Ornamental grass 1kg
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Ornamental grass 25kgs
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£158.08 £177.13
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Ornamental grass 5kgs
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Sowing dose between 30 / 40gr per m2. Helical mowing height at 1.5-2 cm and high conventional mowing with domestic rotary mowers 3.5-4.5 cm. Composition: 60% Lolium perenne Jet, 30% Festuca rubra Sergei, 10% Poa pratense Conni.

Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta: Ornamental grass 10kgs

Package of 10 kg. Quality lawn for private gardens

Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta: Ornamental grass 1kg

Container of 1 kg for approx. 30m2. Lawn for quality private gardens

Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta: Ornamental grass 25kgs

25 kg container.Grass for private gardens of quality

Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta: Ornamental grass 5kgs

Package of 5 kg for approx. 150m2. Lawn for quality private gardens

Comments (3)

| 27/11/2020 | Verified purchase
Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta

Commande livrée rapidement (quelques jours) conforme à la commande sans aucun problème. Pelouse semée vers le 10/11, tard en saison, la pelouse sort au bout de 15 jours. Semble bien sortir de façon homogène. A voir dans quelques mois dans comment tient la pelouse. Bien jusqu'à présent.

| 30/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta

Muy rápido, todo muy correcto, el cesped está naciendo, no puede decir aún si es bueno o malo, pero el servicio de la tienda es muy bueno.

| 24/06/2019
Ornamental grass classic of Zulueta: Ornamental grass 10kgs

Semilla de calidad, servicio perfecto

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Onde posso comprar em Portugal está semente obrigado

Store response | 25/07/2020

Bom Dia, Você pode comprá-lo em nosso site e enviamos para Portugal. Uma saudação

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