Low foot rose bush. An extraordinary original flower due to its intense yellow, red and white color. They are perfect to use in alignments, to add a vertical element or to help define spaces in the garden. Low cup shape.
Adult size: 60-80 cm.
Flowering: The modern rose bush needs water and fertilizer to flourish throughout the plant season.
Lighting: Full sun.
Temperature: Withstands frost.
Transplant: The bare root rose can be transplanted from mid-October to the end of April, except in times of frost.
Irrigation: It is essential during the first two years, paying special attention in dry seasons.
Subscriber: They must be paid with mineral and organic fertilizers at the end of the summer and after each flowering.
Pruning: The large-flowered rose bush should be pruned in mid-winter, removing 2/3 of the stem length, leaving 5 or 6 eyes or buds on the one-year-old stem. Prune at the base of the stem if it is dry or too weak.
Pests: Preventive treatments against hate and mildew should be carried out.
Tienes roseiras trepadoras? Gracias
Bom Dia, Não temos rosas trepadeiras Uma saudação
Bom dia, Qual o tamanho a ser enviado para a roseira? Melhores cumprimentos
Bom Dia, A altura está entre 30 e 50 cm Uma saudação