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The ecological value of composting. A composter is mainly used for the recycling of waste and plant material from the garden • compost improves the structure of the soil and contains all the nutrients necessary for healthy plant growth; • nutrients are released slowly, resulting in a continuous contribution of these; • Compost replaces artificial fertilizer or fertilizer, thus reducing the consumption of these products and the polluting effects associated with their production and use; • a correct application of the compost prevents the growth of weeds and therefore improves the conditions for gardening;


What is the most suitable site for my composter?
Be careful when choosing your composter's location in the garden. Place your composter directly on the ground, this allows microorganisms access to your composting.
To protect against rodents you can incorporate a PE mesh base. Concrete, asphalt and stone materials are generally not suitable as a basis for composting.
The optimal location is a sunny or partially shaded place. The composter needs heat to evaporate the water content.

How can I create a meaningful first fill for my future compost?
It is recommended to start filling the compost with a layer of inflexible structure material, such as branches, etc ... This provides us with air to penetrate more easily from below into the compost and allows excess water to evaporate better . From this first layer it is recommended to fill with mixed residues.

What tricks can I use to get a good compost?
The better the compost mix, the easier it is to decompose.
The composter should not be filled immediately. Kitchen waste is high in water content. Make sure there is good ventilation - an adequate supply of oxygen is very important. Wet materials should be mixed with dry ones and thick materials mixed with noble materials.
Attention: Composting is not a garbage heap, in which everything is thrown away without judgment.

What is done inside the composter?
Residues of fruit, vegetables, coffee, tea leaves, eggshells (crushed), pot plants, cut flowers, grass clippings and leaves can be dumped into the composter.
Tip: Wet materials should be mixed with dry and thick materials mixed with noble materials.
Good ventilation is essential to the success of your compost. Make sure the compound is wet.

What can not be destroyed by the composter?
Meat, fish, bread, sausage, cheese rind, bones, diseased plant parts, charcoal and charcoal ash, cigarettes, street waste, vacuum cleaner bags, medicines, and nutshells.

Can I compost in winter?
Even in winter it can be composted. For the best use of compost in winter, partially damp kitchen waste can be dry leaves and crushed material in the fall. Composting reduces the decomposition process that takes place during the cold season.

How can I test the maturity of my subscription?
The test to identify the maturity level of your fertilizer.
1. A 1/3 glass jar filled with compost and watercress seeds. Pour a little and close glass
2. Observe the growth of the seedlings
3. If the plants are green and the roots are white, then the compost is mature.

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