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Celery filled white pascal

Brand: Rocalba

Offer: £1.27
PVP: £1.59
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Variety of erect bearing. The stems are long, very wide and massive. The foliage and stems are frank green. It is easy to bleach. CULTIVATION Requires rich and light soils. High humidity. Bleaching, hindering or covering the stems with opaque plastic or paper 15 to 20 days before harvest.


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Planting and harvesting time

SOWING INDICATOR Sowing density: 0.1-0.2 kg / Planting stand: 50x30 useful parts 10 g: 18000 stroke (g) - meter (m): 20-25 (g) seeding depth A: 0.5 cm seeds / g: 2500-3000temp. germination: 5-30 ° Planting mode: transplant


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