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Bonsai Punica granatum. Pomegranate

From £29.55


The origin of this species is the Mediterranean, western Asia (Persia and Afghanistan, northwestern India) and the Himalayas. Pomegranates have opposite, oblong, shiny leaves. This tree blooms in the summer and its flowers are oval in shape, of a vivid scarlet color and leathery calyx, although they can also be white, pink or even yellowish. These flowers later develop into the well-known yellow or red fruit, the pomegranate. Its red pulp is very juicy and edible. The trunk naturally twists and has a bark that cracks over time.

Bonsai 10 years Punica granatum
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Bonsai 17 years Punica granatum
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Bonsai 50 years Punica granatum nejikan
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Bonsai 7 years Punica granatum
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Bonsai 8 years Punica granatum nana
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Bonsai 9 years Punica granatum nana
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How to care for a Bonsai Punica granatum. Pomegranate

In order to flourish abundantly, the pomegranates must be placed in full sun , as well as for them to bear fruit they must be outdoors , since insects are in charge of pollination. In areas with a Mediterranean climate it can be located outside all year round. On the other hand, in colder areas it is convenient to protect it in winter , especially from frost. Irrigation, as for all deciduous trees, should be abundant in summer and reduced in winter.
Keep in mind that bonsai are living beings, therefore we inform you that the age and measurements are approximate and that the images only represent the item that you are going to receive without being exactly the same. As for the pot, both the color and the shape may vary from the one in the photo.

Bonsai Punica granatum. Pomegranate: Bonsai 17 years Punica granatum

Prebonsai Mediterranean Habitat, Origin Japan, Genus Punica, Approximate measurements 16x0x22

Bonsai Punica granatum. Pomegranate: Bonsai 50 years Punica granatum nejikan

Prebonsai Mediterranean Habitat, Origin Japan, Genus Punica, Approximate measurements 32x37x72

Bonsai Punica granatum. Pomegranate: Bonsai 7 years Punica granatum

Prebonsai Mediterranean Habitat, National Origin, Punica Genus, Approximate measurements 18x13x22

Bonsai Punica granatum. Pomegranate: Bonsai 9 years Punica granatum nana

Prebonsai Mediterranean Habitat, National Origin, Punica Genus, Approximate measurements 21x16x30

Comments (1)

| 20/01/2025 | Verified purchase
Bonsai Punica granatum. Pomegranate

Tal y como viene preparado el envoltorio. Con suma fragilidad para que no se dañe nada de su interior. La empresa de entrega se atraso un poco.

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