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Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple

From £30.22


The Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum) is native to Japan, China and Korea. It is characterized by having its hand-shaped leaves, which in most cases have five pointed lobes. Normally the bark of young trees of this species is green or reddish in color, turning gray or grayish-brown with age. The greenish-yellow flowers appear in clusters and appear in May-June. In spring the young shoots have yellow, orange and even red colored leaves. In autumn-winter, its leaves wither and it ends up losing them. The Japanese Maple is also popular for its attractive fall colors that also include yellow, orange and red.

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Bonsai 7 years Acer palmatum atropurpureum
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Bonsai 9 years Acer palmatum atropurpureum
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Bonsai 9 years Acer palmatum deshojo
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Japanese Maple Care

They are trees that due to their characteristics should be located outside, ideal for balconies, gardens and terraces. Watering should be abundant in summer and moderate in winter. In summer, if the climate is dry, spray the leaves with water, since it needs some environmental humidity at that time. It must be protected from the intense midday sun. Keep in mind that bonsai are living beings, therefore we inform you that the age and measurements are approximate and that the images only represent the item that you are going to receive without being exactly the same. As for the pot, both the color and the shape may vary from the one in the photo.

Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple: Bonsai 7 years Acer palmatum atropurpureum

Prebonsai Habitat Exterior, Origin China, Genus Acer, Approximate measurements 22x21x35

Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple: Bonsai 9 years Acer palmatum atropurpureum

Prebonsai Habitat Exterior, Origin China, Genus Acer, Approximate measurements 26x23x41

Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple: Bonsai 9 years Acer palmatum deshojo

Prebonsai Habitat Exterior, Origin China, Genus Acer, Approximate measurements 26x23x41

Comments (5)

| 02/09/2023 | Verified purchase
Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple

Bonsái muy bonito, envío rapido

| 16/05/2023
Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple

Bonsaï bien reçu, mais 7 jours après son expédition. Le feuillage a changé de couleur dû au manque de lumière reçu. La photo est semblable, mais pas contractuelle.

| 08/12/2022 | Verified purchase
Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple

Un Bonsai precioso, muy bien empaquetado y presentado

| 24/11/2022 | Verified purchase
Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple

Très bel érable deshojo , bien formé j'ai hâte que le printemps arrive pour le voir avec toutes ses feuilles ! Bon rapport qualité prix je recommande.

| 18/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Bonsai Acer Palmatum. Japanese maple

bien reçu et très bien protégé pour le transport. Sans feuille, dû à la saison, les bourgeons sont bien présents et se développent petits à petits. J'ai hâte de le voir s'épanouir ! Très satisfaite pour le moment, je recommande ce site

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Buenos días, He comprado este bonsai: Bonsai 12 años acer palmatum atropurpureum podrían asegurarme que las hojas serán rojas? Entendí que sí pero quisiera estar segura antes de que me lo envíen.

Store response | 15/02/2023

Buendía, si , en la Primavera los brotes jóvenes presentan hojas de colores amarillos, naranjas e incluso rojos. En invierno, sus hojas se marchitan y acaba perdiéndolas. El Arce Japonés también es popular por sus atractivos colores otoñales que abarcan también el amarillo, naranja y rojo.


Hola, Estoy interesada en comprar un arce japonés. ¿Podría ir a la tienda a verlo? Gracias, Ariadna

Store response | 29/11/2021

Lamentablemente no disponemos de planta natural en la tienda. Enviamos directamente de vivero a casa del cliente. Las imagenes que ve, suelen ser bastante fiables, aunque obviamente puede haber pequeñas diferencias.

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