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Universal Fertilizer Land ecological

Brand: Burés

From £2.15


Universal substrate for plants. Composted soil for growing garden plants, flower plants and houseplants, which is well suited to pots and planters as well as directly to the ground; flowering beds and improvement of garden soil in general.

Stock and delivery
Universal 20 liter substrate
In stock. Immediate shipment.
Free shipping
Universal substrate 15 liters
In stock. Immediate shipment.
£3.95 £4.39
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Universal Substrate 45 liters
In stock. Immediate shipment.
£5.45 £6.78
Free shipping
Universal Substrate 5 liters
In stock. Immediate shipment.
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More information

It is supplied in packages of 5, 15 and 45 liters. Made from the mixture of vegetable compost (mulch) and blond peat from Sphagnum.

Contains NPK (Mg) 14-7-16 (2) mineral fertilizer and perlite

Universal Fertilizer Land ecological: Universal 20 liter substrate

20 liter bag

Universal Fertilizer Land ecological: Universal Substrate 45 liters

50 liter bag

Universal Fertilizer Land ecological: Universal Substrate 5 liters

10 liter bag

Comments (1)

| 10/02/2025 | Verified purchase
Universal Fertilizer Land ecological

Bien embalado, buena calidad, repetiré seguro!

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