Brand: JDV-Bru
Coconut Fiber Sail Awning, Comfort and Natural Protection, discover the perfect combination of shade and style with this triangular Sail Awning, designed to offer a fresh and cozy atmosphere in your outdoor space. Measurements 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5
This Sail Awning is an excellent option for those looking for an effective and decorative shading solution. Its natural material is not only resistant and biodegradable, but also provides a feeling of freshness and unmatched comfort.
Hola mi duda es si da bastante sombra, necesito que no entre el sol. Gracias!
es una semisombra que filtra el aire para que la vela no bombee y se puede remojar con lo que da un ambiente fresco.
Necessito de um toldo fibra de coco com as dimensões 2x3m. Qual o preço e prazo de entrega?
Enlace a los productos que disponemos: Toldo de Coco.
Quais são as dimensões da vela?
3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5
Me ha encantado ! Muy buena calidad ! Queda precioso …
Bé, fa ombra i queda bé. Estaria bé que portes instruccions per penjar-lo, tensar cordes...
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