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Total Action Fazilo Compo Insecticide

Brand: Compo

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Presentation in 750ml spray. It is a ready-to-use product designed to be used only in the field of home gardening. It acts by contact and ingestion, it has an excellent insecticidal and acaricidal activity against sucking and chewing insects mites that fight due to their fast knockdown effect. Composition: Abamectin 0.0015% w / v (0.015g / liter) + Pyrethrins 0.02% (pyrethrum extract)


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Authorized for domestic outdoor gardening.
It is applied in ornamental plants grown in pots located indoors, on balconies, in greenhouses, gardeners, interiors of homes and offices.

Comments (3)

| 12/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Total Action Fazilo Compo Insecticide


| 04/10/2021
Total Action Fazilo Compo Insecticide

Livraison rapide de la commande, voir ultérieurement l'efficacité de cet insecticide

| 19/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Total Action Fazilo Compo Insecticide

El producto funciona , con un par de usos ha eliminado la mayoría de pulgones que tenía en las plantas . El envío del producto ha sido muy rápido .

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