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Sansevieria trifasciata is a plant widely used indoors and stands out for its easy care.


From £22.59


Sansevieria trifasciata is a plant widely used indoors and stands out for its easy care. It is also often called a pike's tail, mother-in-law's tongue, cat's tongue, tiger's tongue, or the sword of Saint George.

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Sanseviera laurentti
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Sanseviera Trif.Zeylanica 17cm height 80 / 90cm
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Sanseviera zamifolia
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Size: in a medium pot, the leaves reach 40-50 cm
Maintenance difficulty level: very easy
Irrigation need: little
Light: abundant.

Being of very vertical growth, the sansevieria fills a nondescript corner of the house with color and elegance. It also balances spaces with a too horizontal decoration (on a piece of furniture or with a set of smaller plants).


  • Place it in a room with plenty of natural light and protected from hot or cold drafts
  • Watering, in summer 2 times a week and in winter it will be enough to water it every 6 - 7 days, and never leave a dish with water as its roots would rot.
  • Fertilize during the growing season with special mineral fertilizers for cacti or succulents or with nitrophosca
  • Substrate, it is important that it has good drainage, so we recommend mixing mulch with perlite in equal parts, putting a first layer of volcanic clay inside the pot to ensure rapid water drainage.
  • Pruning, removing withered flowers and leaves

Plagues and diseases:

As for pests, it can be affected by cottony mealybugs that can be easily and cheaply removed with ear buds

As for diseases, there are several fungi that could attack it:

  • Bortritis: at the base of the leaves appears as a gray mold.
    Treatment: cut affected leaves and treat with systemic fungicide
  • Mildew: causes the appearance of brown spots on the upper part of the leaves and a gray powder on the underside
    Treatment: cut the affected parts and treat with fungicide
  • Fusarium: causes the appearance of dry reddish brown spots
    Treatment: fungicides containing chlorthalonil
  • Gloeosporium: fungus that affects the leaves appearing dark brown spots
    Treatment and prevention: it is treated with fungicides and can be prevented with copper

Sanseviera houseplant: Sanseviera laurentti

Liters: 4 Height: 70/80 H Container: 20 Cm

Sanseviera houseplant: Sanseviera zamifolia

Liters: 4 Height: 70/80 H Container: 20 Cm

Comments (1)

| 19/07/2021
Sanseviera houseplant

Tremenda información muy buena por falta de información perdí mi primera planta de esta lengua de gato y era tan abundante y hermosa pero mi hija me regaló una más pequeña y ya está grande y saliendo mas hojas pero esta información es vital para mi porq realmente de cuido y siembre no se nada

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