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Foliar invigorating for orchids

Brand: Flower

Offer: £5.97
PVP: £7.06
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When plants require immediate action, the best thing to do is to apply the foliar invigorating for orchids. This, we will apply directly to the leaves and the plants will quickly absorb the nutrients and regain their vitality. Suitable for after periods of stress.


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250 ml bottle with spray vaporizer that contains the macronutrients, amino acids and vitamin K3 for better flowering in liquid form.

Comments (2)

| 29/09/2021 | Verified purchase
Foliar invigorating for orchids

Parece va bien

| 05/06/2019
Foliar invigorating for orchids

Me ha gustado mucho, lo compré porque lo vi en televisión. Da mucho brillo a las hojas, lo único que se debe aplicar a distancia porque si no quedan manchas en las hojas. Además no aporta olor. El envío perfecto, sin duda repetiré.

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