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Finger lime citrus tree - Microcitrus australasica. The Citrus australasica is a curious citrus native to the subtropical regions of Australia, Queensland and New South Wales.


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Finger lime citrus tree - Microcitrus australasica. The Citrus australasica is a curious citrus native to the subtropical regions of Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. It is a shrub or small tree that grows in the shade of the large trees that make up those subtropical forests. Since the mid-90s it has been grown commercially and has been a great success among the great chefs of world gastronomy. Its main characteristic and that makes it unique among other citrus fruits is that its pulp is grouped into small spheres that, when cutting the fruit's peel, spread out like caviar roe, which is why it is also known as citric caviar.


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Finger lime citrus tree - Microcitrus australasica

Liters: 2,5 Height: 30/35 H Container: 17 Cm

The cultivation of citrus australasica is similar to that of any other citrus, as most of them do not withstand frost, so its cultivation outdoors will be done in areas where citrus can normally be grown.

It also has the same needs in terms of irrigation and fertilization, although perhaps in this last aspect it needs a little less.

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| 12/05/2021 | Verified purchase
Finger lime citrus tree - Microcitrus australasica

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