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Alocasia amazónica or Alocasia polly is a plant of tropical origin that is cultivated as a houseplant in our latitudes


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Elephant ear (Alocasia polly) Houseplant. Alocasia amazónica or Alocasia polly is a plant of tropical origin that is cultivated in our latitudes as an indoor plant. From the same family as the Marchioness, Elephant Ear or Colocasia (Alocasia macrorrhiza), but smaller in size, its spectacular leaves are reminiscent of an African mask.


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Elephant ear (Alocasia polly) Houseplant

Liters: 2,5 Height: 50/60 H Container: 17 Cm.

Alocasia polly care is largely due to its tropical origins. In very hot climates, it is viable. However, in the vast majority of our country it will not prosper as it is sensitive to cold.

Two factors that will directly affect not only your well-being and your growth. They will also be decisive for it to maintain the spectacular color of its puffed leaves. A good reason to take care of alocasia polly and enjoy its beauty for a long time. And we say a long time because, well cultivated, it is a very long-lived perennial.

Comments (1)

| 20/05/2024
Elephant ear (Alocasia polly) Houseplant

Espectacular planta por sus hojas muy vistosas y decorativas, muy gruesas, fácil de mantener.

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