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Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden

Brand: JDV-Bru

From £45.90


Decorative sphere for the garden imitation natural stone of veined marble, ideal for Zen decoration in gardens

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Marbled marble ball 20
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Marbled marble ball 40
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Marbled marble ball 50
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Available in 4 diameters from 20 to 50 cm

Drilled or undrilled, smooth.

The perforation is 22mm in diameter to make fountains and jets

Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden: Marbled marble ball 20

20 cm diameter

Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden: Marbled marble ball 40

40 cm diameter

Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden: Marbled marble ball 50

50 cm diameter

Comments (5)

| 22/07/2023 | Verified purchase
Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden

Qualität der Marmorkugeln ist ok. Schön wäre es wenn man sich die Farbe bzw. die Bänderung der Kugeln aussuchen könnte.

| 30/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden


| 28/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden

Perfekte Ware, schnelle Lieferung, sehr gute Verpackung PERFEKT

| 04/07/2020 | Verified purchase
Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden

Ravi de cet article aussi. Vachement impressionant.

| 07/04/2019
Decorative marbled marble ball for the garden: Marbled marble ball 40

produit conforme a mon attente.produit bien emballé et de belle qualité. délais de livraison respecte

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Bonjour je souhaiterais savoisien la boule est bien en marbre foncé veiné et pas vainé clair. Cordialement. Patricia.

Store response | 01/10/2020

Cher client, la boule de marbre marbré est blanchâtre. Il a une boule foncée dans laquelle il correspond au granit noir. Cordialement

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