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Citrico lima combava - Citrus Hystrix


From £30.83


It is a widely used plant for its multiple digestive and diuretic properties. It produces its fruit after 3 years and its use in the kitchen is very varied, many foods are usually seasoned with its leaves. Furthermore, in France, the peel of the fruit is widely used for a large number of cooking recipes. Its leaves can be dried and kept in a dry place like laurel.

Combava file 30/35 cm height
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Combava file 50/60 cm height
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More information
Height: up to 1-2 meters. Exposure: Full light. Flowering: Between September and December. Climate: Up to -3ºC. Foliage: Evergreen

Citrico lima combava - Citrus Hystrix: Combava file 30/35 cm height

Combava file 30/35 cm high
Volume: 2.5 Container: 17 Height: 30/35 H

Citrico lima combava - Citrus Hystrix: Combava file 50/60 cm height

Combava file 50/60 cm high
Volume: 4 Container: 20 Height: 50/60 H

Comments (2)

| 06/04/2023 | Verified purchase
Citrico lima combava - Citrus Hystrix

La planta llegó en perfecto estado. Traía muchas hija nuevas q siguen creciendo. De momento está Preciosa. Ojalá de pronto fruto

| 02/02/2023 | Verified purchase
Citrico lima combava - Citrus Hystrix

Super livraison rien à dire mon citronier combava ce porte très bien 🙂👍🏻

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Questions (1)


Cuanto tiempo tiene la planta? Tiene frutos?

Store response | 19/10/2022

La planta viene en contendor de 17cm, volumen 2.5litros y altura 30/35cm. Viene sin frutos

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