Calathea orbifolia. Houseplant. Calathea orbifolia is a plant that does not require much light. Unlike the others, it is a shade plant, in fact it will do well in a dimly lit room. The plant will be able to withstand the winter sun but not all day.
Delivered in a 20 cm container with a capacity of 4 liters and an approximate height of 40 / 60H
For its care we must take into account the following aspects:
The substrate to be used for its growth must have good drainage as it does not support flooding.
It prefers shady or semi-shady conditions, as it does not tolerate direct sun.
It adapts very well to temperatures between 16 and 18 ° C, at higher temperatures it is necessary to water the leaves with a sp ray of fine rain that will increase the humidity avoiding drying.
Special fertilizer for potted plants can be applied from spring to fall once a month.