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Bluemenerde Universal Fertilizer Soil

Brand: Turbas G.F

From £2.45


universal substrate, suitable for all types of plants both indoors and outdoors, planting and transplanting in pots, planters and hydro-planters. Made from a mixture of fine composted pine bark, organique compost (mulch), sphagnum blond peat, and coco. Contains humic acids for correct crosslinking

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15 L fertilized soil with handle
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bluemenerde 50 L
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Product is made from the mixture of fine composted pine bark, vegetable compost (mulch), Sphagnum blond peat and perlite. Contains NPK (Mg) 14-16-18 mineral fertilizer
UNIVERSAL SUBSTRATE incorporates nutrients from organic matter that are available to plants in the medium and long term, and also quicker assimilation of complex mineral fertilizer in nitrogen, phosphoropotassium and magnesium. The mineral composition of this fertilizer enriches the substrate.
A complete and balanced base fertilization is a guarantee of success for the development of the plants during the first weeks after transplanting.

Bluemenerde Universal Fertilizer Soil: 15 L fertilized soil with handle

15L earth bag

Bluemenerde Universal Fertilizer Soil: bluemenerde 50 L

50L earth bag

Comments (4)

| 19/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Bluemenerde Universal Fertilizer Soil

Muy buena experiencia, envío rapido y producto muy bueno.

| 16/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Bluemenerde Universal Fertilizer Soil

Tierra de buena calidad

| 09/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Bluemenerde Universal Fertilizer Soil

Buen servicio

| 30/04/2020 | Verified purchase
Bluemenerde Universal Fertilizer Soil

Producto de calidad, pero lo que más me sorprendió, la rapidez del envio y el precio tan económico. Volveré a comprar seguro!!

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