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Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy

April 8, 2020
Identify your lawn problems and solve it. Prepare it for winter. get a healthy appearance during the cold season.
Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy
Grass does not grow well under a tree or next to a wall.

The grasses that form the lawns, need light to carry out photosynthesis, in shady areas they have difficulty obtaining the necessary amount. This is one of the most common lawn problems. If they are under a tree (it also affects the competition of the roots) try to prune the lower branches, opening a bigger hole that allows more light to enter. Either way you have to choose the right type of grass for shady areas

The grass is full of weeds

Another very common lawn problem, which usually occurs on lawns that are not properly maintained, if we keep the grass thick and healthy it is more difficult for weeds to get in.

Solution: Apply selective broadleaf herbicide in spring and autumn. Do both applications, because each application kills the different weeds of each season.

The grass is full of bald spots

Another of the recurring lawn problems, bald spots can occur due to many causes: zonal irrigation deficit, fungal diseases, excessive trampling, or if we observe that they are large areas, we must dig under the brown spots and if we find some larvae, We will verify that it is the larva of the Typula (large mosquito)

Solution: Rake or scarify the damaged areas, then apply grass seed to those areas, lightly compact and cover it with a fine layer of substrate or sand, keep it moist until its total establishment and if you have found larvae, try Cypermethrin

Related product: Three tooth scarifier
Three tooth scarifier
The grass has brown spots 10 to 30 cm in diameter

It is a Red String fungus and manifests as some stands or patches of withered grass, 7.5 to 25 cm. in diameter, with a reddish appearance that later completely wilt. Inside, red filaments can be identified, gelatinous in appearance and 1-2 mm in section, which is the mycelium of the fungus.

In all cases, action must be taken to improve soil drainage and aeration (scarification and / or aeration). Mowing debris should also be removed from the soil surface, in order to avoid a general contagion to the entire meadow and the Control by means of Fungicide treatments of the red thread in the lawn

The grass is full of moss

In autumn and winter, with the drop in temperatures, the reduction of insolation and the increase in humidity, the most favorable conditions for the appearance of moss are found, especially in the humid and shady areas of the garden.

Solution: Applying a dose of 30 g / m2 of Antimusgo and watering immediately, at 10 - 15 days we observe how the moss becomes completely necrotic.

Related product: Antifungal fungicide container of 1 Kg.
Antifungal fungicide container of 1 Kg.

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