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At Jardería del Vallés we have a catalog of indoor plants. Have you seen it yet?

Dec. 29, 2020

Did you know that plants can be a highly decorative object? Yes! Harmonizing a room in our home with a decorative plant makes a lot of difference and also harmonizes not only with objects but also with colors and light inputs.

Not to mention the health benefits, it is proven that relaxed environments are created, that stress levels can drop in a room decorated with plants , but they also help with cleaning, reducing dust, this because it increases the feeling of humidity of the environment .

At Jardería del Vallés we have a catalog of indoor plants. Have you seen it yet?
Indoor plants are easy to maintain

It is very important to know the light and humidity needs of the plants that you have inside your house, the care so that it has bright leaves and healthy growth . In our catalog we show you the characteristics and care of each of the plants that we have in our store

Philodendron imperial red

The Philodendron imperial is an indoor plant whose large, red-purple leaves in the shape of a triangle give this variety its name. Also known as Red Congo.

Presented in a beautiful 17 cm container with a 2.5 liter capacity. It comes with an approximate height between 60 and 70H

This is a plant of tropical origin, resistant and durable within its care we must take into account:

Thanks to the fact that it does not support direct sunlight, it is considered an indoor or twilight plant.
It is advisable to do frequent watering during the summer, since the humidity of the environment lowers.
Between the months of March and October, it is necessary to make a fertilizer with a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants every two weeks. In this way its growth will be truly exuberant.

On the other hand, we must be aware of pests such as aphids, mealybugs or spiders that begin their appearance mainly in spring, applying the correct product, they will no longer be a problem.

Related product: Philodendron imperial red
Philodendron imperial red
Kentia (Howea forsteriana)

Beautiful palm tree that requires little light so it is ideal as a houseplant. The Kentia scientifically known as Howea fosteriana is characterized by giving spaces an air of elegance.

It comes in a 20 cm container and a 6 liter capacity with a height of 90/110 H

For its care we must take into account the following conditions:

Light: Before the age of 5 it should not receive direct light, as its leaves could suffer burns. However, because in their natural environment they have high solar radiation, it is advisable to leave them indoors but close to windows or balconies where they receive good light.
Water: Requires good drainage, as excess water can rot the roots. In this way, in summer it will be watered 1 or 2 times a week and in winter 1 or 2 times a month.
Powdery mildew is among the most common diseases in this palm tree, so it is advisable to avoid humidity and, if it occurs, apply a good fungicide.
The cottony mealybug and the spider mite are usually the most common pests, so we must be aware of their appearance to make a good control.

Related product: Kentia (Howea forsteriana)
Kentia (Howea forsteriana)
Indoor plant Calathea silvia

It is a plant with a purple-red stem and underside, a semi-elongated leaf on the upper part bluish green with a wide dark green border, when the leaf is adult and begins to age the bluish green part appears with pink stripes.

Calathea silvia plant care

Liters: 4 Height: 40 / 60H Container: 20 Cm
lighting: It is very important that it is in shady positions. It is a houseplant.
Temperature: From 10 ° C in the winter period to 25 ° C or more, in summer.
In addition to moistening the substrate, the leaves should be sprayed frequently, which, however, easily stain if tap water is used and therefore should then be cleaned with a cloth. In autumn-winter watering should be reduced.
Maintenance pruning: Eliminate the deteriorated leaves of our Calathea silvia plant

Related product: Indoor plant Calathea silvia
Indoor plant Calathea silvia

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