Brand: Rocalba
DEPTH: 5 cm
Tuberous begonias are hybridizations achieved with the crossing of several species from the initial material originating in South America more than 300 years ago. They have unique flowers of different and attractive colors and are highly appreciated for their great ornamental value. Its cultivation is preferably done in a pot or planter without ruling out its planting in garden beds located in mild climate zones, without extreme temperatures. It is a perennial plant that is planted in early spring after frost with a temperature of 12 / 25ºC., And blooms in summer, the plant depleting in autumn. The tuber should be planted at a very shallow depth (5 cm.) It is a plant that does not tolerate direct sunlight for long periods, although it must be located in a place that has abundant natural light, and low temperatures and the frosts. It is a grateful plant with well-fertilized and moist soils although excess water and waterlogging should be avoided. The double-flowered camellia begonia is a very popular species among the tuberous begonias whose flowers of basic colors reminiscent of the Camellia, will bloom from the beginning of summer until its completion and with flowers that in favorable conditions can reach 15/17 cm . Plant of about 30 cm. And flowers of 15/17 cm approximately.