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Aqua Dragons Deep Water Habitat Deluxe with LED Lights

Offer: £19.10
PVP: £25.12
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Aqua Dragons are living aquatic creatures that you will hatch and bring them to life in the fascinating underwater world of their fish tank. Aqua Dragons have three eyes, long tails and are very funny little swimming animals of the crustacean family, whose eggs can be preserved in salt for a long period of time and hatch once introduced in water. Taking care of your Aqua Dragons you will see them eat, play, grow, and you will learn the differences between males and females even how they reproduce.


More information

This is the all-inclusive Deluxe Aqua Dragons kit with LED base lights and a magnifying glass to get a better view of your pets.

This kit includes everything you need to get started (except water that you will add at home):

A full color fish tank decorated with marine motives with a capacity for 400ml of water and with LED lights at the base, which works with 2 AAA batteries (included).

Aqua Dragons Eggs

Food for Aqua Dragons

Teaspoon to feed them

Magnifying glass


Comments (3)

| 19/01/2024 | Verified purchase
Aqua Dragons Deep Water Habitat Deluxe with LED Lights

Todo correcto, ahora depende de los cuidados de los niñ@s

| 26/10/2022 | Verified purchase
Aqua Dragons Deep Water Habitat Deluxe with LED Lights

Envío rápido y la niña encantada. Los huevos empezaron a nacer muy pronto. Ahora aprendiendo a cuidarlos con responsabilidad y viendo el ciclo de la vida con la esperanza de que vuelvan a nacer.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Que agua hay que poner del grifo o embotellada??

Store response | 03/08/2021

Buenos dias, dependera mucho de la agua que tenga, si es dura, o demasiado clorada. Pero para asegurarse, mejor embotellada. 



Cuanto tiempo viven?

Store response | 26/11/2020

En condiciones óptimas, si cuidas muy bien a tus Aqua Dragons, pueden vivir unos meses. Este es su ciclo de vida normal y es completamente normal que mueran en unos pocos meses, así que cuando esto suceda, no se preocupe por haber hecho algo mal.

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