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20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Brand: PeatMoss

Offer: £26.67
PVP: £29.44
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  • In stock. Immediate shipment.
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Diatomaceous earth, is an ecological treatment for soils and plants, 100% natural for use as a fertilizer and pesticide, to kill fleas, ticks, mites and all kinds of pests without damaging plants, it also provides nutrients to the soil.


More information
When the diatomaceous earth goes through its entire extraction, grinding, crushing process, etc., it turns into a fine talc that can be safely handled, both to feed animals and as an insecticide to kill insects, fungi and worms on contact. Diatomaceous earth is an inert, non-toxic mineral and totally harmless to both humans and any warm-blooded animals.
It contains up to 15 minerals such as manganese, magnesium, iron, titanium, calcium and silicates.

Advantages of using Diatomaceous Earth:
  • Very economical
  • Easy application
  • It can be used at any stage of cultivation
  • Leaves no toxic residue
  • Provides silicon oxide and more than 38 more trace elements


  • Optimizes soil fertility by improving water retention
  • Retains plant nutrients
  • Protects plants from the sun's rays
  • Gives resistance to plants against fungi
  • Increase roots
  • Increase harvests
  • Control the Ph
  • Livestock use


  • 80.3% Silicon
  • 17.7% Calcium carbonate
  • 0.17% Sulfate of lime
  • 0.42% Magnesium
  • 0.11% Phosphorus
  • 0.27% Potassium
  • 0.5% Iron
  • 0.53% Traces

It helps fight the following pests:

Controls coffee mouth, mites, caterpillars, slugs, snails, aphids, crickets, moth, Guatemalan potato, red spider, bedbugs, ants, locusts and external and internal parasites

Comments (12)

| 17/03/2023 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Fantástico produto. Minhas árvores adoram e então meu galinheiro, afastei todos os insectos e as galinhas andam felizes. Pulgas nem vê Las. Mto Obrigado

| 28/02/2022 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Exactitud en la fecha de entrega. Buen embalaje, fuerte y anónimo.

| 31/12/2021 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Estou muito satisfeito com a terra diatomácea

| 22/11/2021 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Achei o produto mbom . Gostel muito

| 11/08/2021 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Estou muito satisfeita com o produto

See all comments
| 22/11/2020 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Rápido e bom serviço. O produto está a funcionar muito bem. As plantas da horta melhoran o seu crescimento e não são comidas pelos caracóis. Muito recomendado para hortas ecológicas.

| 23/09/2020 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth


| 11/08/2020 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Buena relación calidad-precio pero entrega un poco cara.

| 01/08/2020 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

conforme au descriptif délais de livraison correct

| 06/07/2020 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Excelente produto e entrega muito rápida...grato

| 19/05/2020 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

Muy buena calidad y llego antes d lo esperado!

| 17/05/2020 | Verified purchase
20Kg bag diatomaceous earth

El producto se ajusta a la descripción del articulo y es de gran calidad. Estoy satisfecho con la compra.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (11)


Bom dia, venho solicitar informações sobre este pó? solicito que me informem se este pó também dá para combater pragas de percevejos? Aguardo resposta, Obrigada.

Store response | 05/01/2023

sim, é um bom inseticida para insetos, pulgas e outras pragas semelhantes


We would like some sacks, can you deliver to Portugal? If you can, how much and what's the minimum order amount for the 20 kilo sacks

Store response | 05/08/2022

Yes, we deliver in Portugal. You just have to put the number of products in the basket and choose your country. Once chosen, enter the zip code and you will get the full shipping price.


Votre diatomée est elle de qualité alimentaire et peut on l'incorporer dans notre alimentation. Merci

Store response | 11/02/2022

Cher client, non, ce n'est pas à usage alimentaire

See all questions

Bom dia, Gostaríamos de saber o preço para uma Saca de 20Kg de TERRA DE DIATOMÁCEAS. Conseguimos fazer transferência bancária? Quais os custos de Transporte? Obrigada, Com os melhores cumprimentos, Daniela Costa.

Store response | 30/07/2021

Bom dia, 

Para fazer o pedido, você deve adicionar o produto ao carrinho e depois escolher o seu país, lá insira o CEP de destino e você obterá o preço. No entanto, anexado o link para o produto.



Bonjour, est ce que votre terre diatomées 20 kg peut aussi être utilisée dans un filtre piscine a diatomées ? Merci

Store response | 30/07/2021

Cher client, Nous ne l'utilisons pas à cette fin, mais certains fabricants de piscines le recommandent encore mieux que le sable. Mais vous avez besoin d'un filtre à diatomées



Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir si la terre de diatomée est non calciné ? Merci Cordialement

Store response | 15/04/2021

Bonjour, la diatomée est naturelle salutations


Bonjour, Cette terre de diatomé peut elle etre utilisé comme insecticide SUR les animaux ? Merci

Store response | 29/07/2020

Bonsoir, Oui, la terre de diatomées a des propriétés insecticides. salutations


Hola, Me gustaria saber si esta tierra de diatomeas es de agua dulce y si es 100% natural y de grado alimentar? Gracias!

Store response | 25/07/2020

La tierra de diatomeas es 100% natural es un material a base de restos microscópicos de algas i otros microrganismos marinos fosilizados con propiedades, entre otras, fertilizantes y protector cotnra plagas de forma natural. Ecológico, inocuo para personas, animales y plantas no contamina el ambiente ni a las personas que la manipulan


Bonjour, pouvez vous me donner la différence entre ce produit en 25 Kg (terre de diatomé) et les conditionnements diatom en 1,2 Kg et 400 g Merci

Store response | 25/07/2020

Bonsoir, La différence est la quantité qu'il contient. salutations


Bonjour, la couleur de votre terre de diatomė en 25 Kg et grise ou blanche . Merci

Store response | 25/07/2020

Bonjour Et blanche


Bonjour, je souhaite acheter la terre de Diatomée en sac de 25KG. pouvez-vous me dire si elle est calcinée ou naturelle ? A l'avance, je vous remercie. Cordialement.

Store response | 23/06/2020

Bonjour, la diatomée est naturelle salutations

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